2020.1.17 Seminar 光照射・電気化学環境下で動作する遠紫外ATR分光法の開発と機能材料への応用
2019.12.17 Colloquium Molecular Science and Functions: From the Origin of Life to Materials
2019.12.10 Seminar Optical levitation of a mirror for probing macroscopic quantum mechanics
2019.12.09 Seminar Tunable interface states in (Pb,Sn)Se bulks and topological superlattices
2019.10.23 Seminar Charge and heat transport in atomic and molecular junctions
2019.10.21 Seminar Photonic Molecule: Optical-Coupled Microcavities Embedded with InGaAs Quantum Dots
2019.10.03 Seminar Toward three-dimensional topological photonics
2019.10.03 Seminar A Pedagogical Guide to the Theory of Topological Insulators
2019.09.20 Topics Fabrication of chiral plasmonic nanostructures
2019.09.19 Seminar 金属-絶縁体ナノグラニュラー薄膜の磁気・誘電・光物性
2019.09.11 Colloquium Fabrication of atomic-scale nanogap electrodes and their applications to single molecule science
2019.09.03 Seminar Quantum Energy Transport under Environmental Engineering
2019.06.20 Seminar The role of phthalocyanines and subphthalocyanines in molecular photovoltaics
2019.04.18 Seminar All- fiber high order mode (HOM) beam generation and applications
2019.03.06 Colloquium Field-driven optical science with mid-infrared pulses
2019.03.06 Seminar フォトニック結晶の微分幾何学/ Maxwell-Chern-Simonsゲージ理論におけるCasimir効果
2019.02.15 Seminar Introduction to topological photonics and topological laser
2018.12.11 Seminar Topological Properties of Graphene and Related 2D Materials
2018.11.21 Topics 第3世代法の開発とタンパク質正準分子軌道計算
2018.11.21 Topics ファンデルワールスヘテロ構造の量子輸送現象
2018.11.21 Topics 単一分子のテラヘルツ計測
2018.11.08 Seminar InAs/GaSb superlattices and magneto-optics of IV-VI (Pb, Sn)Se/(Pb,Eu)Se topological insulators
2018.11.05 Topics 一次元フォノニック結晶における弾性波のトポロジカル局在状態
2018.10.31 News 岩本グループがMOC2018でBest Paper Awardを受賞
2018.10.05 Colloquium Optical force generation by anisotropic scattering from metal nano structure
2018.09.19 News 副センター長の平川 一彦 教授が「第15回江崎玲於奈賞」を受賞しました
2018.08.22 Seminar 二次元赤外分光法の液体を超えた応用
2018.07.20 Colloquium Protein design based on quantum chemical calculation
2018.05.23 Symposium 設立記念シンポジウム
2018.04.18 Seminar プラズモン誘起化学反応の単一分子レベル研究
2018.04.02 News 光物質ナノ科学研究センター(NPEM)が発足しました
- NPEMで研究したい方
- 共同研究をしたい方
Nanoscience Center for Photonics, Electronics, and Materials Engineering Office
- +81-3-5452-6142
- npem(at)iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Please change (at) to @ when sending mail- Komaba Research Campus, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo